In 2024 Airshows Downunder Shellharbour will incorporate a General Aviation precinct featuring static aircraft displays and flying schools along with industry exhibitor sites for aviation suppliers, manufacturers and service providers.

The GA precinct will provide the aviation community with a General & Recreational Aviation industry event alongside one of Australia’s premier annual airshows, while showcasing “grass roots” aviation to one of the largest airshow crowds in Australia.

It will offer the general public an opportunity to interact with the general aviation industry, view products, ask questions and see up close the affordable side of aviation, and of course inspire new members to the join the industry.

Aircraft displays will range from microlights and gyrocopters to the latest in composite sport and recreational aircraft plus of course the classics and a few of the more unusual aircraft types.

Exhibitors will include flying schools and training organisations, aircraft manufacturers and importers, aircraft builders, pilots, technology manufacturers and suppliers, government regulators, industry organisations, pilot supplies and all things aviation.

Recreational and General Aviation provides a wide range of activities and options and is an economical way to take part in Aviation, and the Airshows Downunder Shellharbour General Aviation Precinct is the ideal place for the general public to see this first hand.