Meet the Pilots


Aircraft that you are flying at Airshows Downunder Shellharbour 2024?

Wolf Pitts Pro 

Duration of being pilot: 

25 years 

What inspired you to become a pilot?  

I’ve always been fascinated with aviation and always had a love for it. My father and grandfather were pilots and once it gets in the blood, it never gets out again. Now my own son is a pilot. Watching pilots like Chris Sperou, ‘Pip’ Borrman, Tom Moon and Sean Tucker from the USA were huge inspirations. 

What can we expect to see from you at the Airshow?  

You can expect high-energy, engine-screaming aerobatic entertainment! I’ll be doing forward rolls, torque rolls and double hammerheads: all the stuff you won’t see anywhere else and all in the highest-performing bi-plane in the world. 

What’s your favourite aviation memory?  

Winning the Australian Unlimited Aerobatics championship (Philips Cup). It was also good to beat a number of high-performance mono planes in a bi-plane. 

How was your first solo flight?  

I remember my first solo flight in a Pitts Special than I do my first solo flight in general! It was a scary experience: the thing was out of control. It’s exhilarating and a bigger step up than your first normal solo flight. It all went according to plan, but it was a scary experience. I’ve flown all types of planes in my career, like Kittyhawks, Mustangs, Avengers, Wirraways and more. But there’s nothing like the Pitts Special. If you can fly one of these, you can fly anything. 


Aircraft that you are flying at Airshows Downunder Shellharbour 2024: 

Edge 540 

Duration of being pilot: 

26 years 

What inspired you to become a pilot?  

I grew up in a flying family. I also grew up watching Peter ‘Pip’ Borrman fly aerobatics at airshows – also flying an Edge 540!

What can we expect to see from you at the Airshow?  

You’re going to see a dynamic, aggressive aerobatic display that is going to come right down to ground level. It will showcase the aircraft’s manoeuvrability, speed and impressive 420-degree-per-second roll rate. The display incorporates a knife-edge spin, rapid rolling and gyroscopic manoeuvre that will put pilot and machine under as much as 10G and reach speeds of over 400km/h. 

What’s your favourite aviation memory?  

Winning my first aerobatics competition at age 17: the Australian Light Aircraft Championships in 1997. 

How was your first solo flight?  

I first solo’d on my 16th birthday and actually skipped school for the day to go do it. After flying for so long, it was great to finally have that freedom. 

Anything else?  

I just wanted to touch on the ‘Pip’ Borrman’s influence again, because I watched him fly growing up. To be recognised as being one of the top pilots in my field and that in part comes from years of mentorship from Paul Bennet, who took me under his wing. I’ll always be thankful for that. 


Aircraft that you are flying at the Airshows Downunder Shellharbour 2024: 


Duration of being pilot: 

I have been flying for over 35 years and 32 years as a professional pilot. 

What inspired you to become a pilot?  

I grew up flying with my dad, who was inspired by his dad. 

What’s your favourite aviation memory?  

Taking off on my first F/A-18 solo flight in a single seat fighter, looking back at the aircraft and seeing the wing all the way back there. 

How was your first solo flight?  

My first solo was in a glider at the age of 15, like a lot of pilots out there. My instructor forgot to tell me to do a circuit, and I found a thermal and went flying. They finally called me back after an hour. 


Aircraft that you are flying at the Airshows Downunder Shellharbour 2024: 

Extra 300L 

Duration of being pilot: 

I have a lifetime of experience and have been working with Team MHR for the last 5 years. 

What inspired you to become a pilot?  

I grew up flying with my dad, uncles, brother, cousins, Nanna and Grandad. My whole family were pilots so it was bound to happen at some point. 

What’s your favourite aviation memory?  

Flying across the Pacific in a Pac750 with my dad building up hours on a ferry flight. 

How was your first solo flight?  

My first solo was only 7 years ago. I didn’t go straight into flying like you think I would growing up in a family of pilots. I became a diesel fitter and worked for 8 years before I finally started flying. My first solo was one of the best feelings and memories I have with flying. My dad was there to watch one of my proudest moments. 

Anything else?  

My dream career in aviation was to do aerobatics for a job. I was told it’s not easy or impossible but I’m here to say anything is possible no matter what anyone says. Dream big, set your goals and work hard. Nothing is impossible.