September 13, 2019

I was chatting on the phone recently to a woman who was purchasing gold pass tickets for herself and her husband for the 2020 show. She described to me how much she enjoyed the 2019 show being a gold pass holder and I thought it would be great to share her story.

Katherine was by no means an aviation fan.  She had been to airshows in the past with her husband, but she could take it or leave it. “It just wasn’t my thing” she explained but liked to go simply to have a day out with her husband.

She decided that in 2019 they would purchase gold pass tickets, so she had a ”home-base” so to speak and was guaranteed a seat during the very long day at an airshow.  Her husband was very excited!

Then Katherine went on to tell me what a fantastic experience the whole day had been and how she just had to have gold pass tickets again in 2020!

“From the moment I walked through the gate, I felt special!  I was greeted by a young lady from Wings Over Illawarra who introduced us to Aaron, an Army cadet.  Aaron then escorted us to the Gold Pass entry, where we were given our bags, program and very flash identification tags!

“Another cadet, from the RAAF I think, then escorted us to our Gold pass seats”

“From the moment I sat down on the huge grandstand, I knew that this was going to be special.”

“The views were amazing!  No one obstructing our view, and our very own dedicated seat, all day!  My husband was beside himself” she laughed!!  Katherine was so impressed with the view of the Illawarra Escarpment.  “I had no idea how wonderful that would be!  Absolutely stunning!”

“Before the airshow began, we were entertained by a group of singers” Katherine said she enjoyed the 1940’s costumes and the music.

After the speeches announcing the start of the show, Katherine thought that she would probably get bored and have a bit of a wander around while hubby enjoyed the show.  But to her surprise she stayed in her seat for almost all day.

“It was amazing!!” she explained to me.  “The day was action packed and the commentary was so good!  I knew exactly what I was watching.  The aircraft displays, which I thought would be boring were, exhilarating and the view from our seats??!! “

Katherine told me that her husband has not taken the Wings Over Illawarra cap, that was in the welcome pack, from his head since the show!  “He would wear it to bed if I let him”

Katherine is now a huge fan of the Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes and Paul Bennet, after seeing his unbelievable display.  Katherine is definitely and Aviation fan!

“Wings Over Illawarra is the most enjoyable event I have ever been to!  The day was just so entertaining!  I will never miss it again.  And this year I am encouraging all my friends and family to come and experience it”

Thanks for talking with me Katherine and sharing your thoughts on Wings Over Illawarra Gold Pass Experience.  Made me feel very proud in that what we offer in the Gold Pass Area is world class!

If you would like to take the Gold Pass experience yourself in 2020, tickets are now available.  Remember you can choose exactly where you want to sit, whether it be right at the top of the grandstand or toward to the front.  Every seat has premium view of the runway for uninterrupted views of all the action including all the take off’s, landings and low-level aerobatics!