June 12, 2019

Wings Over Illawarra will return in 2020

In the days following May 4 and 5, Bright Events, has been soul searching and crunching the numbers after making a considerable loss.

Numbers were down by about 9000 to 21,000 visitors compared to 38,000 in 2018.

The reason was not the weather on the Sunday but the fact that this year’s air show coincided with a major defence force training exercise held every two years.

And that meant some of the star attractions such as the Hornet was not able to make an appearance.

After all the soul searching we are now confident Wings Over Illawarra 2020 can set a new attendance record and cover all the costs of staging such a major event that injects $5 million into the Illawarra economy.

Wings Over Illawarra 2020 will be held on the 2nd and 3rd May, 2020

We have also been having several positive meetings with sponsors and potential sponsors and that is all looking very positive.

We have had meetings with Destination NSW and they have confirmed that Wings Over Illawarra is definitely in their forward planning, although the levels of support will not be known until the budget is handed down

We have also been having several positive meetings with sponsors and potential sponsors and that is all looking very positive

The generosity of local businesses in being able to support this event is amazing.

As is the community and the number of people willing to volunteer every year.

That kind of support is what is giving us the confidence to continue.

Wings Over Illawarra will continue to be the largest event on the South Coast, showcase our region to thousands of visitors, and inject those much needed dollars into our local economy.

2020 will not have the issues that 2019 had that were so out of our control.

We are expecting to see a Hornet again in 2020. Hornets have been at five of the six events during the last six years. We have also requested an F35. At this stage they are not available for any air shows in Australia. There are only four in the country. But we have put an application in and have all our fingers crossed.